Jump to top tools and projects in a single click
There are 3 quick link icons along the far left of your sidebar. Let’s take a closer look at each one.
Think of this quick link as the key to everything that’s specific to you. Clicking the purple Me icon opens and closes the main portion of your sidebar, where you can access your projects, daily tasks, time sheet, or custom views.

This quick link makes staying on top of project communication a snap. Simply click the green chat bubble icon to go straight to your main Discussions page. If you see a little red dot in the bottom right of this icon, that means you’ve got an unread discussion to catch up on.

All the report-y things live together on a single Reports page you can get to quickly by clicking the blue graph icon.

There's easy access to your 3 quick links, even when your sidebar is closed.
Collapsing and expanding your sidebar is as easy as hovering over it. When you're not actively using it, the main section tucks away out of sight so you have more room to focus on project work.
Filter your project list by Favorites
If you’ve got lots of projects to keep up with, your sidebar can stretch on for days. Luckily, there's the ability to filter your project list down to just your faves. Simply click the star icon to turn your Favorites filter on and off for a cleaner sidebar view.
Here’s an example of how your sidebar will look with and without the Favorites filter applied.
Full project list without the Favorites view applied

Filtered project list with the Favorites view applied