There are 2 ways to upload your TeamGantt projects to Procore:
1. Use the TeamGantt integration for Procore to sync project data.
2. Export your project to MPP format, and then upload it to Procore
TeamGantt Integration for Procore
Enabling the integration and syncing to a project
To enable the integration, open your project in TeamGantt and select Menu > Upload to Procore.
Next, authenticate your Procore account. Then, select your company in Procore and the project you'd like to sync with and click Upload.
Viewing your timeline in Procore
To view your Gantt chart in Procore, log into your Procore account and navigate to the Schedule tab of your synced project.
Syncing resources between TeamGantt and Procore
Once a TeamGantt project is synced to a project in Procore, you can map your TeamGantt users to your Procore resources.
To do so, click the settings icon next to your project's name in Procore Schedule tab, and then select the User Permissions tab. Use the dropdown in the Resource column to map each resource.
Keeping your schedule up to date
Whenever you make changes to your schedule in TeamGantt, you'll need to re-sync your project to Procore. To do so, select Menu > Upload to Procore > Upload. No need to reselect your company and project, since they've been synced previously.
Import/Export Project Files
If you'd like to manually import your project into Procore, you can do so by exporting your TeamGantt project to a Procore-compatible format (.MPP).
Export your TeamGantt project to Procore
To export your project to a Procore-compatible format, go to
Menu > Export to Procore (in Gantt Classic) or Menu > Export to MPP (in Gantt 2.0).
Once you have downloaded the file, head over to Procore to import your project!
Import your TeamGantt project to Procore
To import your TeamGantt project, open up your project's Schedule in Procore. Then, click " + Upload Schedule". Finally, select your file and upload!
Just to note, once the file is imported, you may need to refresh your browser to see the entire schedule.