Clear or Remove Filters from Your Project

Having trouble finding a specific task? Does it seem like your tasks just disappeared from your project?

Filters are a great way to sort and view your data. But they can make it look like recently made changes didn't save. This can feel frustrating or defeating when you've spent time updating your project.

If tasks or other project details aren't showing up as expected, there are a few steps you can take to ensure you're not accidentally filtering information you want to see out of your chart.

1. Remove the filter by project status (In Progress vs. Complete)

When recently completed tasks appear to vanish, a good first step is to ensure the Hide Completed box in the top toolbar is unselected. This will bring all tasks back to the chart, no matter their completion status.

2. Remove filters by people or labels

If Hide Completed is unselected and your tasks still don't appear on your chart, you may be filtering your project by people or labels. To ensure you're viewing your full project with no filters applied, click on the Filter drop-down, and either uncheck the selected members or click Clear. 

3. Remove the filter by dates

Projects can also be filtered by dates. To ensure you're viewing your project's full date range, click the Filter drop-down, and select "clear" by Dates.

4. Remove the filter by task colors

Is your project only displaying certain task colors? To remove task color filters, simply click on the Filter drop-down, and select Clear.

5. Remove individual filters

Applied filters will appear as chips at the top of the Gantt chart. You can clear individual filters by clicking the "x" of the desired filter. 

6. Remove all filters

You can easily remove all filters from a project by clicking Clear all from the Filter menu or the "x" on the Filter menu. 

Want to learn more about filters? Read on here

Still can't find tasks or other project information? Email us at for help.

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